Wednesday, March 14, 2012

49ers detail Santa Clara stadium plan - San Francisco Business Times:
Tim Cahill, national design director for ofKansaxs City, Mo., led a 45-minuter presentation of the $937 milliom project proposed to be built on the overflosw parking lot of California'zs Great America amusement park. City and team officials, must get the approval of the city's voterws next spring before they can proceed withthe 68,500-seaf stadium, which they would like to have readu in time for the 2014 season. The stadiunm could be expanded with upto 75,000 seatw for events like the Super Bowl or international soccer matches, but reduced to 32,000 for more intimats concerts, Cahill said.
Using photovoltaic solar panels and a sea of landscapinh on the rooftop ofthe stadium's west-side private corporate suites structure — along with programs stressing watee conservation and use of recycled materialxs — HNTB officials hope the structure will becomee one of the first sports facilities in the nation to achievs LEED, or Leadership in Energh and Environmental Design, certification from the U.S. Greenj Building Council. However, they noted, there are still no specificc guidelines for LEED certification instadium construction, so they are using existinv standards for office buildings.
Cahillo also advocated that the stadiu authority established to operate the facility should compile a capital reserve fund to pay for updatinbthe stadium's technology every five to sevenb years to keep it on the cuttingh edge. He also praised its open, airy design that will stress public plazas to be used by fans duriny games andentertainment events, but also by peoplwe living, working and visiting in the area during the They would afford views of the surrounding area from inside the stadium, Cahill said, providing a "connection to the community.
" Cahill also said the stadiumm would have about 110,000 square feet of space that coul be used in cooperatiom with the nearby to stagre a variety of corporate meeting and City Council members were not scheduled to take any actioh on stadium-related issues Tuesday night.

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