Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Landlords don

For most businesses, waste is an inevitable byproduct of By minimizing waste where possible and handling wastde in anefficient manner, properties can realize including increased tenant satisfaction, decreased operationakl expenses and reduced harmful effects on the The following are several ways propertt owners and tenants can save money by reducing wastde and implementing sustainable practices. E-cycle: With the ever-changinh technological landscape, today’s “new and improved” computeras and electronics are tomorrow’s Many of these items have toxicv components making their safe disposal complicated and often regulateeby laws.
By encouraging tenants to participate inan e-cyclingy program, these machines can be disassemblerd and reborn into valuable parts and resourcezs for the next generation of technological Reduce traffic: There are easy, free incentivees that building owners can offer tenants (and tenants can in turn offer employees) to help reduce traffic and shrinm a business’ carbon footprint. Designates parking spots, bike racks and publicf transportation passes are just some of the incentivess that have helped lessen the numbers of cars on the road andharmfull emissions. Carpooling is another great way to reducew car travel and can foster coworker camaraderie outsided ofthe workplace.
These “trip” reductions are especially helpful when employees driv company vehicles that requir expendituresfor gas, maintenance and upkeep. Accoung for your waste: Most waste managementg companies can perform awastse audit, comparing a building’s waste output versus recycled amounts. These audits can help property ownersd glean insights into opportunities for reducinga building’s wastw and discovering educational needs for Low-cost programs can encourage tenants to be more strategix with their waste, including recycling “challenges,” eliminating plastic wate r bottles from a cafeteria, increasing the number of recycling bins and so on.
Implemeng easy-to-follow programs for recycling, such as a comingledr program where plastic, paper, cardboard and glass can go inone container, and provides tenants periodic reminders aboutf recycling to keep it fresh in their Also, if you don’t bid out recycling and trash start. It’s a competitivr world out there. Sustainable practices: Even without a wast e audit, there are several low-cost tactics that can increase efficiencyt and save moneyon waste-disposal and management expenses. Share documents electronically with your rather than printing 10 copies ofa 40-page report.
When you do need hard copies of your print on both sidea ofthe paper, print two PowerPoint slides per sheet and limit the number of hard copies to thoser who really need them. Keep old documentsa for use as scrap paper orpackin material. • Purchase recycled-conten t paper for printers, copier s and fax machines. Select otherd recycled-content or biodegradable products, such as paper toilet paper and disposable cupsand plates. Participate in equipment take-back programs offered by officeproductg manufacturers. For example, most old printeer ink cartridges may be returned to the manufacturetr for recycling atno cost.
• Donate unwanted office supplies and reusable electronivc equipment to local schools ornonprofit organizations. Arrange to donate cafeteria or wet waste food scrape to an organics program for use asanimak feed. • Reduce waste from plastixc bottles, paper cups and Styrofoam by providing reusablsdrinkware (coffee mugs, reusable plastic bottles, for employees. Install a purified water systemk to eliminate the need forbottled water. Implement a recycling or waste-saving challenge in the office, with prizew such as reusable coffee mugs orwater • Get less mail; switcn to electronic bill payments and bank statements whereve r possible.
Call the companies that send you junk mail and catalogw and ask to be removed from theifrmailing lists. Use evitesa and e-mailed RSVPs for events on yoursocial calendar. • Use yard trimminge and landscape debrisas compost, creating a useful and environmentall beneficial product from materials that would otherwise be sent to a These are just some of the ways companiews can start to think about increasing efficiency when it comes to producingb and disposing of waste. Take some time to look around your building and who knows what other opportunities youmighty find?

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