Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fla., Orlando again tops in foreclosures - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The state posted 58,931 foreclosure filingsx — including default notices, scheduled auctionse and bank repossessions — in May, down 8.8 percenft from April’s total, but still 50 percent higher thanMay 2008, accordingt to RealtyTrac’s monthly Foreclosure Market Report. Only California had a higher total, with 92,24o9 properties with May 2009 foreclosurwe filings. The Sunshine State was No. 3 in the natiohn in foreclosure rates, with one in every 148 householdsz receiving a foreclosure filingin May. Nevada led the countrgy with one in every 64 homes receiving a while California was secondx highest with one inevery 144. The Orlando-Kissimmew market took the No.
8 spot amongb the nation’s top 10 metro areas with the highestforeclosurde rates. The area recorded a rate of one foreclosurr filing for every101 homes. Florida had three citiesd among the top 10metrko areas, while California had six cities among that mix. Las Vegaas topped the list with a rate of one in evergy 54 households getting aforeclosure filing. Nationwide, 321,48p foreclosure filings were reportedin May, whicnh is 6 percent lower than Aprilp 2009, but about 18 percenr higher than May 2008. One in every 398 U.S. homea received a foreclosure noticelast month. Vermongt again recorded the lowest number of with six reportedin May, or one for everyg 51,906 households.
The RealtyTrac U.S. Foreclosure Markeyt Report provides the total number of propertiezs with at least one foreclosure filinf reported duringthe month. Data is collected from more than 2,20o0 counties that account for more than 90 percentt ofthe nation’s population.

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