Saturday, January 1, 2011

RTD to get $18.6M from stimulus for Union Station project - Philadelphia Business Journal:
million in federal stimulus funds for work at DenvefrUnion Station, the announced Wednesday. The grant will help pay for desigm and construction at the historictrain station, whichg is to be converted into a terminal for several differenf transportation modes. RTD is carrying out the transit portiohn of the overall UniohStation redevelopment. The station will be a hub for the regionaktransit agency’s planned “FasTracks” rail transit It will also be used by many RTD The $18.6 million come from a pool of $8.4 billion for transit capitalk improvements authorized under the America n Recovery and Reinvestment Act of signed into law in Denvef by President Barack Obama on Feb.
17. “Buy reinvesting in our nation’s transit infrastructure, we are making our communitiexsmore livable, invigorating the local economy, and putting Americw back to work,” U.S. Transportationm Secretary Ray LaHood said Wednesdagy ina statement. The totalp cost of redeveloping union station for transit is expected to cost about $478 million. RTD plans to pay about $208 million, with the balances coming from federal money and othedlocal sources, Roger Sherman, chief operatiny officer at Denver lobbying firm CRL Associatesa Inc. and spokesman for the Denverd Union StationProject Authority, said in May.
RTD separatelyg is seeking stimulus funds for a variety ofothefr projects, including $17.1 million to purchasee new fareboxes for the transit system’s bus fleet.

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